Friendly Faux-Pas: 4 Ways to Be a Terrible Boyfriend

By David Synderhelm

It's always been believed that women need a good understanding and supportive boyfriend. I think that belief is overrated. Do they really want someone who's caring, giving and selfless. No I say! What they really want is a terrible boyfriend!

Life is just too saccharine! What women need is someone who'll suck the will to live right out of them. Want to be that person? Well my little do-gooder, here are four ways that will help you accomplish just that;

Destroy Their Self Esteem

If you're looking for a sure fire way to be a really bad boyfriend, just try this: break down your gal pal's confidence, piece-by-piece. Want to take it to the next level? Use the same tactic to simultaneously beef up your own self-image.

There's no one way to execute this great bad boyfriend routine. But here are a couple of suggestions. Tell her that her friend would look much better in that dress than she does, and your relationship with your mother is flawless while hers leaves much to be desired. You get the idea.

Drama King

What would life be without drama? Booooring!! So to do your bit, make sure you give your girlfriend a dose of drama every time she calls. And don't wait for the pleasantries to be over! Heck no, just dive right in there. She'll no doubt be fascinated to hear about how stressful your day was because you stubbed your toe getting out of bed and couldn't make it to the dry cleaner's before they closed because of the slow traffic.

Of course all this Drama is terribly time consuming. She'll just have to understand that you have a busy life. After all, she is your girlfriend and she should know that you have things to do besides listen to her yap on the phone. Click.

Father Hen

Your poor, poor gal palwhat would she do without you? Honestly, if you weren't there to tell her how to proceed in her career, relationships and family life, well, where would she be? If she's made an unwise outfit/friend/vacation destination/meal choice, it's really best to tell her what she ought to have done instead. Otherwise, how will she learn? Oh, and a condescending tone of voice never hurts.

The Party Pal

Who wants to stay home for a cozy night in? Certainly not you! That's for wimps. Real men party every night and it's your job to bring out the "party" in your girlfriend To heck with her early morning meeting or the fact that she's dieting to get into that dress (see Self Esteem). Your job is to make her understand that partying is the order of the day. And on the off chance that she says no (gasp!) don't forget to make her feel awful about not supporting you. - 32510

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