General opinions into the reasoning behind why men and women cheat is largely due to a reduction of sexual pleasure with a relationship. Recent data extracted from an internet survey suggests other contributing factors.
For females who had cheated, more than 10% claim to have done so even though their current relationship was in good shape. Some of the feed back from unfaithful men claim that for men "it just came down to biology"
For reasons other than the state of ones relationship, blaming someone's insecurities or inner self belief issues was generally not why men and women cheat. Cheating for some is like a dependency problem whereby a premeditated decision is required as to whether to cross the line or not.
Luckily, most of us do in fact possess will power and not everyone is programmed to live in deceit. What the studies showed us was that there is no definitive reason as to why some of us must cheat, instead the blame can go towards the steady decline in maintenance of a relationship
Couples need to be vigilant within their relationships and watch out for the fatal signs that can bring any relationship to its knees. Danger signs include becoming isolated from society, losing touch with friends because of depression, and when open communication within the relationship ceases.
Relationships that lack sustenance and communication are prime prospects for infidelity. When women stop encountering special attention from their spouse, it becomes a chore for her to be all perky and sexy when her self assurance is shot.
Once a couple loses their ability to uphold the core fundamentals within their relationship, there is no relationship, all that is left to deal with is how to pick yourselves up and somehow start a fresh life as a single person again.
For many men, nothing will ever be enough to keep them to uphold their commitment of love.
Both sexes cheat, but it's how you address being cheated on that counts.
Most people will fly into an wild rage with the thought of retaliation ringing loudly. Another responder tells us she took revenge on her cheating beau using an alternative and CLEVER approach by ringing an abroad online dating recorded message service using his cell running up a $4500 bill - ouch.
People who cheat often bear no real knowledge or experience in what it takes to become a pure and wholesome person. Cheating becomes their sole purpose in life and they can easily lose the ability to reach into their own soul for clarity. - 32510
For females who had cheated, more than 10% claim to have done so even though their current relationship was in good shape. Some of the feed back from unfaithful men claim that for men "it just came down to biology"
For reasons other than the state of ones relationship, blaming someone's insecurities or inner self belief issues was generally not why men and women cheat. Cheating for some is like a dependency problem whereby a premeditated decision is required as to whether to cross the line or not.
Luckily, most of us do in fact possess will power and not everyone is programmed to live in deceit. What the studies showed us was that there is no definitive reason as to why some of us must cheat, instead the blame can go towards the steady decline in maintenance of a relationship
Couples need to be vigilant within their relationships and watch out for the fatal signs that can bring any relationship to its knees. Danger signs include becoming isolated from society, losing touch with friends because of depression, and when open communication within the relationship ceases.
Relationships that lack sustenance and communication are prime prospects for infidelity. When women stop encountering special attention from their spouse, it becomes a chore for her to be all perky and sexy when her self assurance is shot.
Once a couple loses their ability to uphold the core fundamentals within their relationship, there is no relationship, all that is left to deal with is how to pick yourselves up and somehow start a fresh life as a single person again.
For many men, nothing will ever be enough to keep them to uphold their commitment of love.
Both sexes cheat, but it's how you address being cheated on that counts.
Most people will fly into an wild rage with the thought of retaliation ringing loudly. Another responder tells us she took revenge on her cheating beau using an alternative and CLEVER approach by ringing an abroad online dating recorded message service using his cell running up a $4500 bill - ouch.
People who cheat often bear no real knowledge or experience in what it takes to become a pure and wholesome person. Cheating becomes their sole purpose in life and they can easily lose the ability to reach into their own soul for clarity. - 32510
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Helping you deal with infidelity. Hookmeup provides online dating sites. When you become a member you will have access to 100% free singles dating Australia with the chance to meet more than 60,000 members!