First Time Travelling Together?

By Cindy Crawferd

You met your new sweetie on an internet dating site. After months of dating you've reached the point where you want to take your first trip together. You're no novice to travelling; you've travelled in the past with friends and family.

As a matter of fact, that travelling went so well you figure that your trip as a couple should be a piece of cake. With icing and sugar on top. And you're probably right, but you do need to remember that not everyone travels like you do. We all have different expectations, so here are a few things you might want to consider before heading to the travel agent.

First, you need to talk and decide where you want to go. Some people enjoy going to tropical places just to chill out on the beach and totally relax. Other people enjoy traveling to a cooler climate and enjoying events like skiing. Depending on each of your preferences, this is going to be something to definitely discuss and come to some sort of compromise.

When are you going to take your trip? Next week, next month or next season? You may each have different ideas about when the best time to take a trip is.

The next thing to decide is how long are you going away for? You might have two weeks of vacation, your girl/boyfriend may only have one. If either of you have just started a new job, chances are you're not eligible to vacation time, so you'll need to decide if you can afford to take unpaid time off.

Once these details have been ironed out and you both embark on your travel, the next thing to think about is your vacation styles. There are people who want to spend every waking moment visiting every site and tourist attraction available, while others like to relax. They figure the reason they took the time off was to relax and rejuvenate.

Totally contrasting vacation styles can be very frustrating. Without some kind of plan, you're sure to clash. If this sounds like you and your partner, you'll have to compromise to ensure that you each get in some of the things that are important to you. Don't forget, you don't need to spend every minute of your vacation together.

If both people agree to take turns doing things they enjoy, the trip can be satisfying to both parties involved. Traveling together for the first time is meant to be a fun way to learn more about one another and the best way to insure its success is to talk about it as much as possible before boarding the plane. - 32510

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Decisions About Your First Date

By David Synderhelm

So you've been chatting on your favorite internet dating site with a terrific guy or gal. It's been a few weeks since you've started communicating and you're really enjoying yourself. Now it's time to take things to the next level. You need to decide whether you're going to meet for coffee or a drink or whether this calls for something a bit more upscale, like dinner.

Even more important, how do you decide who pays for the first date? In the past few years, the issue of money in relationships has become quite an issue. People divorce over it, argue over it and some people even end friendships because of it. Since dating is supposed to be fun, how does one bring up a subject that seems to ignite so many emotions?

It all depends on how comfortable to feel with your new internet dating sweetie. If talking about it doesn't present an issue, then by all means, bring it up. Tradition says that most men are open to paying for both at least initially. It's certainly easier and allows for the two people involved to talk about their interests rather than about money.

Provided that things go well, you might even end up in a relationship. Things will progress naturally and that usually results in a fair exchange. Most women are more than willing to pay their fair share of things. But that's getting ahead of ourselves. Before you get there, here are some things to think about;

1. Talk about when and where

This is critical for a first date. Women are usually more cautious than men about meeting for the first time and most prefer to meet while it is still daylight and in a public place. The man may have a totally different idea for a date in mind, so it's important that you talk about this before going out.

2. Where are you going to go?

Once you have decided what time of day you would like to meet, determine what it is you both would like to do? Are you interested in dinner, lunch, going to a museum or perhaps a movie?

3. Discuss dress attire.

While many first dates are pretty casual, where you go can determine what you wear. This might be something good to talk about so you can both be prepared and have the most comfortable first date possible.

Now that you have decided where to go and when to meet, you can just prepare to allow nature to take its course. It is not absolutely mandatory to discuss who should pay on the first date and the thing to remember is that there will always be enough time to bring money into the picture. Just have fun getting to know one another so that your relationship can be stronger so that when the tough times come around you have a solid foundation to help you through them. - 32510

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Dating - When Culture and Religion Become Factors

By Jayde Johanssen

One of the reasons dating is often difficult, is that by dating, you are inviting a person into your life with the intent of developing a relationship where this person will influence you and the choices in life you make. This can be a good thing, it can also be a bad thing.

This is a good thing when the person cares about you enough to recognise the important things to you. They then use their influence to make you a better person. Often though, people have their own agenda and will use their influence to build on their own ideals and values, rather than recognising you are a different person with a different perspective on life.

Culture and religion can be very influential here. Both culture and religion are a framework, or a set of rules, within which its members live their lives. There is often very little room for compromise with these rules. If you do not abide by them, you are not a practising member of that faith/culture. So if you date someone who lives within these structures, the influence and opinion they bring to your life will invariably be tempered by the rules of their faith.

Removing the space for compromise is always counter-productive in the development of a relationship. Compromise and understanding will always be two of the top requirements in the development of any successful relationship.

When I point this out, don't take it the wrong way. I'm not saying religion and culture are good or bad. I'm not saying religious or cultural people are right or wrong for you. All I am saying is that rigid beliefs and ideals can impact the development of a relationship and you should be aware of it.

Asian culture for example is very different to western culture. If Asian culture is important to you, one of the easiest ways to ensure you continue to live under its constructs is to surround yourself with like minded people. Dating is a part of this, dating people committed to Asian culture is important.

However, if you are not particularly interested in Asian people or culture, it could be difficult to develop such a relationship without understanding or compromise.

Religion works in the same manner. If you are Jewish for example, or Christian, there are certain moral standards and precepts you live your life within. Other people from the same religious denomination understand those guidelines and understand the impact they have on your decision making process and interpretation of life's events. As such, dating a person from the same religion can promote harmony in the relationship and mutual growth for the both of you in faith and life.

Contrarily, forming a relationship with religious people without having any understanding of their faith is always going to bring unique challenges not experienced in other relationships.

This article is an idea. It has been written to promote thought, understanding and compromise. These three things are pillars of any successful relationship. Many inter-culture and inter-religion relationship exist today and are very successful. So don't shy away from them, just love and understand the needs of your partner. - 32510

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Using an email address finder free

By Tina Davidson

The internet has brought with it a lot of new technologies and better way of doing things. Amongst these many innovative technologies is what is known as people finders and email finders that can be used free.Even so, the developers of the finders are faced with the challenge of the ever growing email address base and catching up with the growth is proving to be a serious challenge. However, there are websites that come close by offering people finders and email finders.

It is pretty is to find and use a very good email finder online, especially if you have the right knowledge, Just key in the required information about the person whose email you are trying to find - for example, the name or identity number then leave it to the search spiders to crawl some public records to return the best results. Note that not all finders are free, some will charge you per search. Whether free or not, most of them require you to register before you can use the tools.

Apart form checking out some free email finders on free-to-use sites, you can also find a people and email address finder on many websites on the Internet such as the leading search engines, Yahoo and Google. There are many countries in which these tools are targeted for especially those countries that have many people accessing the internet like UK, US, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Australia to name just a few.

Let me give you these few examples of finders - you can use peopleData. This offers free services for locating not only email addresses but other personal information as well. Also check out finder@fsz. Examples of email address finders include, Check out Email parser from content Smartz, EmailSpiderEasy, Eamailsmartz to name just a few.

If you are finding it difficult to find an email address through any people finders or email address finders, Search for sites that offer free information about this topic online. Usually these charge a specific fee but you can also find those that offer the service absolutely free. - 32510

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Saying It, Then Doing It

By Astrid Engels

Love is one of the most mysterious, yet wonderful things that we have been given. There have been many arguments between the sexes. Some men state that they do not understand women. Some women debate that men are insensitive. This battle of the sexes continues, and it seems as though neither sex is going to come out ahead. In the defense of the female population there is but another complaint.

One thing that has always baffled me about a certain percentage of the male species is their apparent inability to carryout promises that they make. Correction, the inability to follow through with promises that they make to a woman. For example: A guy may tell you that he will call you at a certain time, and more than likely he has no intention call you at all. In addition, he may also state that he will come by to see you at a specific time, or make plans with you to do something, and when the time does come he is nowhere to be found.

This lack of sensitivity is quite puzzling. Curious and inquisitive women will demand to know the why of it. We acknowledge that men and women are different, but this difference is no excuse for insensitivity! It hurts when someone appears to think only of themselves.

Does letting their girlfriends know they are going to be a bit late, remind them of having to report to their mothers when they were little boys? Please note: This request to be informed of what's going on is just a form of concern. It's not a ploy to know your whereabouts twenty-four hours a day, and just like your mother we worry when you don't call when we expect you to.

Any men who might be reading this would probably say that women nag or bitch, when in fact they know that women's comments on this matter are justified. They know that what women are saying applies to them; they're guilty as charged.

Remember the saying "truth hurts, don't it?"? I'm sure has been told that at one point or another. Feeling are hurt just as much when a man promises a woman one thing and then does exactly the opposite. That's not okay in anyone's book. It has to do with respect and if you've ever been stood up, even once, then you know exactly how awful that feels.

Any relationship worth keeping is based on trust and honesty. When you're involved in a friendship or a romantic relationship show respect for the other person by not purposely hurting their feelings. Don't create problems where none need exist.

Guys, here some advice. If you promise a phone call, an email, a text or a visit, follow through! Women want to be able to count on you. If you can't make it, let your lady know. This small consideration shows her that she is important to you. It may even stop her from packing you in altogether. - 32510

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The Romantic Whirlwhind

By Astrid Engels

Even if that has not happened to you, you've probably read a book or two, or perhaps you know someone that this has happened to. A head over heels love at first sight meeting. And it didn't stop there. Oh no! They did something drastic like getting married while riding elephants at the zoo or running away to Brazil. I know, you're sighing and thinking "that's so romantic!". But is it really?

I'm of two minds about this one, probably because I've been there. In my younger, yet equally head strong, days, I completely lost it over a man who was 15 years older than me. We'd been dating for just three months when in a flurry of emotion I sublet my amazing apartment, packed my bags and moved in with him.

A month after that, he attacked me. In retrospect, it wasn't such a good move after all. I'm glib about it now (coping mechanism, anyone?) but the truth is, at the time, it felt like my world had fallen apart: I was suddenly loveless, homeless and completely doubting my ability to read my feelings and instincts, something I had been very sure of my whole life up to this point. The whole thing was sudden, intense and just like a movie, in both the good and bad ways. And I had totally eaten it up.

Should I have been more discerning about what could possibly lie ahead? Perhaps. But seeing as how I did make it out alive, I'm not sure if I would do things any differently if I could go back. Sometimes putting a buffer on happenstances of the heart like this also puts a buffer on the amount of emotion you get to experience.

The reasoning behind leaping before looking is really not very complicated. You can't have all the good without risking getting some of the bad. And they don't sacrifice the good for the sake of saving themselves from the potential bad. Doing otherwise could leave you with nothing more than middle ground. Life's just too short to not risk some extremes from time to time.

Like everything, there are two sides to this debate. Sure, I'm all in favor of following one's heart, especially if it leads you to some unexpected places away from your chosen path. But there is a world of difference between being someone who has a chance encounter with someone amazing and someone who makes it a habit of thriving on the drama of falling in and out of love.

People like this most certainly exist. I call them "love-bleweeds". They make a life out of tumbling around, building up one relationship and life, only to completely uproot and reconfigure when the next one comes along. After you've done this for long enough, it's very possible to forget how to be calm, comfortable and exercise any follow through.

If it makes some people happy to live like this then that's all well and good. What isn't okay is the mess they leave behind when they, once again, pull up stakes. When one sets up a life, others get pulled into that life; friends, coworkers, lovers, neighbors and pets. When the next "soulmate" comes along and they drop everything, they're leaving a lot of people in their wake who are going to be missing them when they're gone.

It's too rare and too unspeakably joyful to fall in love in a fast and intense way to not do it when it comes along. If you're lucky (and go around the block enough times), you'll perchance learn how to protect the rest of your life when it does, without sacrificing any of the amazing feelings. - 32510

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Long Distance Relationships And How To Succeed With Them

By Payo Hernandez

The answer is yes, certainly but there needs to be clear plans in place for eventually being together and within a reasonable time frame too.

It's usually only when the future is not clear and nothing is planned that you can start to feel depressed and insecure. Kind of like you are wasting your time on something which will never happen.

Any plans you make regarding the future of the relationship should be utterly realistic and achievable. You'll both need to be completely open and honest about what you are prepared to do and sacrifice for the chance to be together. A relationship cannot continue for month after month with Skype, emails and nothing more.

So in summary you want your plans to be agreed on by both, they should be realistic and within a time frame which can be achieved. It's extremely important.

At times your faith in the situation will be tested especially during arguments. You'll have to rely on the trust and hope you have in each other to get through it. Hope is very powerful.

With long distance relationships you get to know one another through a lot of talking and discussion which can be excellent for building a solid foundation before actually meeting and being together in 'real life'. So much of your communication is going to be through email, chat and phone calls ECT.

Since 90% of all communication is non verbal however there really no substitute for actually spending time with each other in real life. You could find that you can only go so far with online contact before you're no longer getting any more from it.

If you sense that something special is there then don't let distance prevent you from trying the relationship, it can and does work for others all the time. Plus no one wants to spend their life wondering 'what if' and missing out on what could have been wonderful. - 32510

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21 Questions To Ask A New Date Over A Drink

By David Web

Questions, questions and more questions! They are the most interesting thing that we can ask when we are on a first date with someone. You just have to be careful not to overdo it and turn it into an interview! Questions are the best way to get to know someone and show them we are interested in them. On a first date you just have to be careful not to overdo it and turn it into an interview!

Dale Carnegie in his best-selling book, "How to win friends and influence people" shares about the power of asking good questions to show that we are interested in connecting with someone else.

Have you ever been to a party and you've been the one asking the questions and doing most of the listening? If you have you will probably agree that the other person thought that the conversation was quite interesting - funny that! You probably did less that 20% of the talking but you got 100% of the credit!

If you're a guy and ask some great questions, you will often find yourself leaping to final base, thus saving yourself a lot of legwork trying to build rapport with her. Asking questions and listening is one of the most naturally flattering things you can do to anyone.

If you are a lady and want to stroke a guy's ego and make him feel good then ask lots of interesting questions and then listen to the answers. You will have the guy on a string from there on!

Despite the ego-stroking that can happen, if you ask and listen there is also a genuine side to the picture as well. Because people who're genuinely interested in someone else, are the people who are usually popular and well liked. Faking interest is the worst thing you can do. And at the end of the day, if you are not a natural listener then put yourself to the test and practice. You will start to learn SO much about so many things and you will discover parts of people that are just SO interesting to learn about.

Here are 21 questions to ask to get the conversation rolling. They have been written from a female perspective, just switch them around if you are a guy and want to use them. If nothing else it will get you thinking about your own questions - which are always better.

Here's 21 questions to ask a guy or a girl

1. If you are working as a waiter and one of your customers was really rude, would you spit in their soup or even think to do this?

2. What is you all time favourite movie and why?

3. If you could choose to have dinner with 5 people (real of fictional) who would you invite and why?

4. If in an instant you could become an invisible man, where would you go and what would you do?

5. If someone made a funny comedy movie about your life, which part of the story would be the funniest and why?

6. What was your most favourite television character when you were a child? What did you like about them and why?

8. What do you regret not doing the most in your life?

8. What's the funniest experience in your whole entire life?

9. Have you ever gone on a date with a person who is so way smaller or taller than you, and if so how did you get on kissing?

10. How old were you when you had your first proper date? Did you get to kiss them and if so was it a French kiss?

11. What's the most horrible lie you have ever told someone in your life? Where you caught out and who was it that you told it to?

12. If you were suddenly turned into a woman for a day, how would you spend that day?

13. If you do not like someone do you show it or pretend that you like them?

14. What is more important to you in a woman - good looks or intelligence?

Time to get a little more personal! Maybe you should wait till you have had a few more drinks before asking some of these!

15. Have you ever been caught with your pants down in a public place - if so what were you doing?

16. What's the difference between having sex and making love for you and which do you prefer?

17. If you could suddenly change the age you lost your virginity, would you?

18. What turns you on the most?

19. Have you ever cheated on your partner? Did they ever find out? If so, what happened?

20. Has anyone ever caught you touching yourself sexually? If they did what did you do?

21. Have you ever been to an orgy with more than two other people? If so did you have sex or just watch? - 32510

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Discover Your Life Partner Through Free Online Dating

By Girish Jaju

You can find your life partner through free online dating. You find friends when you are unaccompanied and feeling the acute agony of loneliness. It is even harder in critical times of your life. You should not let the idea of loneliness sneak into your mind when you are amidst a tough situation. Find out a well-matched soul mate through online dating and get away from the pangs of bitter life of isolation.

You will feel positive when you get in touch with the right type of individual that you were looking for. You should be able to know thyself first for the friend that you yearn to come in your life. Choose from a range of individuals who seem to be close enough to be the right kind in your eyes. Free online dating resolves the problem of isolated individuals who can take the advantage of free dating to end their isolation.

You are alone but surely there comes a time in your life when you feel the urge to communicate and feel the need of company. This promotes you to find out a companion and sometimes, the individual becomes your life partner. When feeling lonely, just take the advantage of Internet for free dating sites, where you find an extensive range of profiles.

It is always preferable to verify your own intentions and make replies to the queries from friends that you have created through online dating. When you mark features of common interest in a particular individual, you can begin communicating to know the person better.

Make yourself at ease with the new friendship achieved through free online dating. You have to decide whether to stretch the friendship to the culminating point or not. Listen to the advice of your inner self. If you feel comfortable and wish the company of the specific profile and wish to make the person your life partner, you are welcome to do so.

If you dream of a complete family soon and see the possibility of such endured friendship program, do go absolutely for the "dreams come true" thought. Free online dating permits you the luxury of forgetting your loneliness and admission to a new era of thriving life with cherished company of partners to lead a fresh life. - 32510

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Russian Brides And The American Man

By Mark De Schutter

Russian brides can be a good choice for those who are looking for a relationship that ends up being a win--win situation. You get a wife and she gets a chance to become an American citizen. Rushing into a marriage because you believe she will be eternally grateful can lead to a disaster. Taking your time and finding the Russian brides that are well suited to you and narrowing them down to one special lady is a much more effective way to find a wife.

There are plenty of bachelors who have embarked on this journey and have discovered that they have truly fallen in love with their Russian bride before they ever take their first trip overseas.

As you get into the meat and bones of talking to your potential Russian brides you may very well realize that choosing just one is very difficult. These women are smart, funny, and looking for their Mr. Right as well.

If you want to find a woman that will be happy to stay at home and do all of the domestic chores while you are at work, make sure that you make that clear during the interview process. If you are looking for a woman that can go out and find work in the United States soon after her arrival, you should also make that clear. Being able to define your expectations helps to prevent situations that don't really make anyone happy.

While you are online with her, relax and be you. There is no need to make promises of financial riches beyond your capabilities. Just be honest and be real and you can make true and meaningful connections that have the potential to last forever. Do your share of talking but also make sure that you do your share of listening. You can learn a lot about a woman by listening to the things that she says.

You can find women from all over the world who want to marry someone wealthy from the United States. Russian women are just like other women. Some will care about your financial situation while others are looking for the opportunity to start a life regardless of the wealth or lack thereof.

The closer you get to finding your new Russian bride the more you will need to develop plans to cover the logistics of bringing home a new wife from across the ocean. Check with local and federal immigration offices to make sure that you and she have all of the appropriate paperwork in order and don't forget to buy her a special gift fro when you meet her in person for the first time. Covering all of your bases and remembering the ring is a big deal.

From the first time you make contact with your potential Russian brides to actually going and bringing your new wife home will be a whole new experience that is simply going to knock you socks off. You will have fun from the first contact to the physical contact and you will be one of the many who have chosen to do something good for another human being while offering her your love at the same time. - 32510

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